Fūturevision International 
We’re all in this together!

Envision, Renew & Enjoy!
Doing Staging & Lighting for major Fashion designers for over 20 years you realize how easy it really is to transform any space. 

Later personally renovating a nine unit apartment building in Niagara Falls, N.Y. [2005-2006] and working with Habitat For Humanities in Pennsylvania 2008-2010 you realize that home renovations are no different 

Renatatio Building Solutions

For custom Solutions contact us: FuturevisionInternational@hotmail.com
High quality and 100% customer satisfaction are our top priorities.
This Is your World, Now Create A Masterpiece!
What If....Let's Do Something Extraordinary!
In 2003 I moved into this 1940’sish apartment building in Niagara Falls on 10th & Niagara Streets. The Afro-American owner at the time [William Nelson] a Buffalo native had gotten the building [UD fixer-upper]. He had installed [New counters, “Plain-Jane” cabinetry, stainless steel kitchen sinks, American Standard toilet and wash-vanity with tile floors] to get it up and running; Oh yes Brown painted wood floors and plain Flat White walls as far as the eye could see. 

Up side they all had full step-in bay windows and great views both day of and night of the Canadian side of Niagara Falls. 

His biggest problem was he wasn’t really interested in having really good tenants, [too much work involved]. So he basically thought he could milk the welfare and social security system for their money…”So Wrong”. They don’t pay for tenant destruction of your building, fixtures, and when they do pay [cause you’ve got deep pockets and lawyers] it takes forever. He also had many complaints about maintaining the heat at a respectable level in the winter by everyone including me. 
Renatatio is Latin for Renewal which is what home improvement is really about!

Renovations are quite simple if you K.I.S.S. [Keep It Simple & stupid]. Most renovations get out of hand and out of pocket because somewhere in the middle of all that you change your mind, or really didn't know what you wanted in the first place!
Apt. #3 Before
Apt. #3 Before
So in 2005 he sold the building to a Turkish man [Veli] for roughly $50,000.00] and vacated his obligations. The new owner wanted to fix up the place.I

 had spent two years in the Pittsburgh Pa. area working on various renovations projects and companies to have enough work experience to write grants for Native American development projects I was authoring. 

I convinced him if he let me source the materials and do the renovations that it would be cost effective. 
Since the new owner wanted Apts. #1, #2 & #3 for seasonal rental I moved from Apt. #3 to Apt. #5 in the middle of the building. These are after shots of those apartments. Notice the Two-Tone trim. It carried over throughout all three apartments.
Apt #2 Living Rm
Apt. #4 Kitchen
Apt. #8 Rear BR
Apt. #9 Rear BR
Apts. #7 & #8 Bath
Apt. #7 Front BR
What He Got For The Money

[24] Boxes Peel & Stick Tile 
Liquidated $240.00 
8] Cans 3M 90 Spray Adhesive 
[11’ X 11.5’ Dining Room]
[9’ X 12’ or 9’ X 10’ Small BR]

[2] 5 Gal. Glidden Semi-Gloss $48.00
[Surreal Blue: Kitchen] 
Sunflower Yellow: Bathrooms] 

[2] Carpet Remnants $230.00
[Living Room 13’ X 15’ or 13’ X 14’] 
[Lg. BR 12’ X 10’ or 10’ X 10.5’] 
Liquidator Outlet
I lived in Apt. #5, combing left over paint I created my designs in the Bathroom, Dining Room & Living Room.
407 10th Street Apt. #7 Living Rm
407 10th Street Apt. #6 Living Rm
407 10th Street Apt. #8 Living Rm
407 10th Street Apt. #9 Living Rm
Pittsburgh, Pa. in 2002 & 2003 I worked briefly for each of the following companies. Thanks to: Labor Ready Pittsburgh, Pa.
This Eat N' Park, Wexford, Pa. off I79 had an interesting make-over. A unique spray paint product "Zolotone" was applied to the entire eating area. This had to be done by company certified painters and the finish gives the wall a metallic sheen. Remember texturing tin foil with a pencil?
I donated my time every Saturday from 2008 through 2010 working at a Habitat for Humanities ReStore in New Kensington, Pa.. Until that time I was unaware of Habitat’s work here in the U.S. I was well aware of the work they have done worldwide.
tAt the advice of my apartment building manager M. Moore [now a Minister] I went over to the store and was completely blown away by the great deals they have for those who need to renovate or just want to fix up an old house. 

Even first time home buyers come to Habitat ReStore is and leave with a great deal and some pretty awesome new stuff. 

Take this virtual tour with me let me show you why Habitat For Humanities is the poor or working mans best friend.
[Click Here]
Rain Louvers

This product replaces conventional gutters to protect your foundation from damaging erosion and your house from snow, rain and the harmful deposits of leaves that accumulate in standard gutter systems. 

Self-Cleaning, Prevents erosion and Easy to install the rain louvers disperse water into little droplets that fall harmlessly outward away from your foundation in a 2 to 3 foot spread.

This is great especially if you have shrubbry around your house. The water bill savings is also an attractive advantage to this installation. These light-weight louvers come in 5’ [five] foot strips.

Available in Chocolate Brown & White Natural Aluminum. Rainhandler is nearly invisible when installed; No pipes, No downspouts, No Cement trays.

Rainhandler offers a limited 25 Year Warranty from date of purchase against material, workmanship, manufactuer defects. All warranty matters are sole desgression of the manufacturer. 
e-Heater – Econo-Heat

Your Econo-Heat wall panel heater is designed as an alternative to conventional bar heaters and other forms of high output heaters that use large amounts of electricity. 

It operates at relatively low surface temperatures (75 – 90°C, dependent on the ambient temperature), and uses minimal electricity. Econo-Heat wall panel heaters are designed to be left on for long periods of time, giving you comfortable background heat at a low cost. This is similar in concept to a central heating system – yet far less expensive.
Regupol Quietlay

Regupol® Quietlay Robust Detail acoustic under screed insulation for Pre-Cast Units. Regupol® Quietlay is a cost effective rubberbound acoustic under screed insulation manufactured from recycled materials and forms part of the globally renowned range of Regupol®. 

Regupol® Quietlay acoustic under screed insulation is the core proprietary product as part of Robust Detail E-FC-15™. Regupol® Quietlay is quick and easy to install with no requirement for separate perimeter strips thus saving time and labour costs.
Main Features: Robust Detail approved E-FC-15™, No need for separate perimeter strips, Supplied in easy-to-handle sheets, 3 Credits Entitlement for Code for Sustainable Homesv (with Pre-Completion Testing). 

Additional Benefits: Offers long-term performance without collapse or “bottoming out” under high point loads. Minimises construction heights, Mildew and moisture proof. Zero Global Warming Potential (GWP) and Zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP). When used with a sand/cement screed there is no requirement to use a DPM.
Invisible Structures 
Grasspave2 is a structure which provides incredible load bearing strength while protecting vegetation root systems from deadly compaction. High void spaces within the entire cross-section enable excellent root development, and storage capacity for rainfall from storm events. 

Stormwater is slowed in movement through and across Grasspave2 surfaces, which deposits suspended sediment and increases time to discharge. Suspended pollutants and moderate amounts of engine oils are consumed by active soil bacteria, which are aided by the system’s excellent oxygen exchange capacity. ext.
Gravelpave2 is a structure to provide heavy load bearing support and true containment of gravel to create a porous pavement surface with unlimited traffic volume and/or duration time for parking. 

When used with a proper porous base course material, Gravelpave2 can provide a void space of 35% for storage volume of rainfall during rain events. For example, an 8" deep cross-section would store 2.8" of rain. 

Although bacteria concentrations are lower than with Grasspave2, polluted runoff and vehicle drippings are consumed prior to reaching the water table.  
Rainstore3 is a plastic structure used to store storm water underground. 

Made from injection molded plastic, a single panel contains 36 vertical columns and exceeds H-20 loading, allowing the construction of driving areas, parking lots, or other small structures above the system. 

Built-in compression fittings allow units to easily stack to a variety of depths up to 8'4".   
Slopetame2 is a permanent three-dimensional reinforcement and stabilization matrix for steep vegetated slopes and channel banks. The integral rings, bars, grid, and fabric act to contain upper root zone soils, allow vegetation roots to easily pass through, and minimize movement and loss by rain or flowing water.

 Slopetame2 is shipped in roll form, with connections allowing rolls to be fastened together forming one large continuous mat covering the entire face of long slopes.

 Rolls can also be pre-vegetated by vibrating sod into rings (or growing custom plant mixes in mat by contract), to allow mats to be placed and anchored to slopes with established root systems, able to withstand intense rainfall or water flow immediately. Holes can be cut in the mat to provide for large containerized or balled plant material.
What If?…This Is A Global Initiative!
We’re asking the world the ultimate social question What If? In a growing world of empty commercial buildings what is being done to recycle some or all of these buildings into livable, energy efficient, comfortable residential housing. Not some over priced loft spaces that no one can really afford. I mean affordable Studios, 1BR, 2BR & 3BR apartments. Most people are one check away from being Homeless. Who will help you then?..... 

Nous demandons au monde de la question sociale ultime What If? Dans un monde de plus en plus de bâtiments commerciaux vides ce qui se fait de recycler tout ou partie de ces bâtiments en habitable, économe en énergie, le logement résidentiel confortable. Pas certains cours lofts prix que personne ne peut vraiment se permettre. Je veux dire appartements Studios, 1BR, 2BR 3BR et abordables. La plupart des gens sont un chèque loin d'être sans-abri. Qui va vous aider alors? .....
The “Futurevision Concept” What If…..you use all the vacant commercial buildings sitting still in the suburbs, cities, the half empty corporate parks and even factory buildings in the rural areas for the project. Convert these buildings into living spaces with long term leases or rentals: 5 years or 10 years. This gives people time to grow, get raises, put down roots in these communities.

Le "FutureVision Concept" What If ... ..vous utiliser tous les bâtiments commerciaux vacants assis encore dans les banlieues, les villes, les parcs d'entreprises demi vides et même des bâtiments de l'usine dans les zones rurales pour le projet. Convertir ces bâtiments en espaces de vie avec des baux à long terme ou de location: 5 ans ou 10 ans. Cela donne aux gens le temps de grandir, se soulève, prendre racine dans ces communautés.
By incorporating the latest energy friendly technologies: Geothermal or Ice Energy [Heating & Cooling] even Low Voltage 400W Convection Heater Panels or Gas Fireplaces, Combined Solar & Wind Power [Electrical], Solar, LED & Low Power Lighting, Environmentally Friendly Fire retardant materials, PEX pipe [Potable & Waste Water] these buildings could pay for the renovations within 5 years. Apartments would have ADA compliance: Sliding Pocket Doors, Compact Kitchens w/ Microwave & 5 cu.ft. Freezer, Efficiency Bathrooms using Pressure Assisted Toilets [Use Less 1 Gal. Water], Adjustable Height Shower Fixtures and Swing-In Windows [for safe cleaning]. If we miss this opportunity to turn our world around for the better what happens when it's you turn?.......

En intégrant les technologies respectueuses dernière d'énergie,: la géothermie ou de la glace de l'énergie, des matériaux écologiques ignifuges bienvenus, même basse tension panneaux 400W convecteur ou les foyers à gaz, solaire combiné & Wind Power [électrique], solaire, LED et éclairage faible puissance [de chauffage et de refroidissement] , tuyaux PEX [potable et des eaux usées] ces bâtiments pourraient payer pour les rénovations dans les 5 ans. Appartements auraient respect ADA: portes coulissantes, les cuisines de poche compact w / micro-ondes et 5 pi³ Congélateur, Salle de bain d'efficacité en utilisant la pression assistée Toilettes [Use Less 1 Gal. Eau], réglables Calendrier Hauteur d'eau et Swing-Dans Windows [pour le nettoyage sécuritaire]. Si nous manquons cette occasion pour transformer notre monde pour le mieux ce qui se passe quand il est vous tournez? .......
Soft White 3W/ 100 Lumen LED

Standrad E26 base works with most household light sockets. Up to 3W power consumption and world compatible design.  On 120 VAC systems, 250 lumens on 240 VAC systems. Lasts for 35,000 hours or about 30 years.
LED Soft White 3Watt Bulbs
​我々は、世界は何であれば、最終的な社会問題と求めていますか? 住みやすい、エネルギー効率の高い、快適な住宅にこれらの建物の一部または全部を再利用するために行われているものの空の商業ビルの成長世界では。誰が本当に余裕がないことができます価格のロフトスペース終わっていないいくつか。私は手頃な価格のスタジオ、1BR、2BR&3BRアパートメントを意味します。ほとんどの人は1つのチェック離れてホームレスであることからです。そして、あなたを助ける誰ですか?.....

Le estamos pidiendo al mundo la cuestión social definitiva ¿Qué si? En un mundo cada vez mayor de edificios comerciales vacíos Qué se está haciendo para reciclar todos o algunos de estos edificios en habitables, eficiente de la energía, la vivienda residencial cómoda. No alguna sobre espacios tipo loft, con los precios que nadie puede permitirse. Quiero decir asequibles apartamentos Studios, 1BR, 2BR y 3BR. La mayoría de la gente es un cheque lejos de ser sin hogar. ¿Quién va a ayudar a usted entonces? .....
..youは郊外、都市にまだ座ってすべての空いている商業ビルを使用して...場合はどのような"Futurevisionコンセプト」、半分空の企業公園やプロジェクトのための農村部であっても工場の建物。 5年または10年:長期リースやレンタルによる生活空間の中に、これらの建物を変換します。これは人々に、昇給を取得し、成長するこれらのコミュニティに根を置くための時間を与えます。

El "FutureVision Concepto" What If ... .you utilizan todos los edificios comerciales vacantes todavía sentados en los suburbios, ciudades, los parques empresariales y medio vacías e incluso edificios de la fábrica en las zonas rurales para el proyecto. Convertir estos edificios en espacios vivos con contratos de arrendamiento a largo plazo o alquiler: 5 años o 10 años. Esto le da a la gente tiempo para crecer, obtener aumentos, echar raíces en estas comunidades.
​[Click Here]

Mediante la incorporación de las tecnologías respetuosas con el más reciente de energía, geotérmica o de hielo [Heating & Cooling] incluso bajo voltaje Paneles 400W convección calentador o chimeneas de gas, combinado solar y energía eólica [eléctrica], solar, LED y de iluminación de baja potencia, ambientalmente materiales retardantes Friendly Fire , tubería PEX [Potable y Residuos agua] estos edificios podrían pagar por la renovación dentro de los 5 años. Apartamentos tendrían cumplimiento de la ADA: Desplazamiento Pocket Puertas, cocinas compactas w / microondas y 5 pies cúbicos Congelador, Baños de eficiencia utilizando Presión Asistida Aseos [Uso Menos 1 Gal. Agua], Accesorios Altura ducha regulable y abatible En Windows [para la limpieza segura]. Si perdemos esta oportunidad de convertir nuestro mundo para mejor lo que sucede cuando se trata de encender? .......
Culot E26 standard fonctionne avec la plupart des prises électriques domestiques. Jusqu'à 3W consommation d'énergie et la conception compatible monde. Sur 120 systèmes ACC, 250 lumens sur 240 systèmes d'ACC. Dure 35.000 heures ou environ 30 ans.

Standard-Sockel E26 funktioniert mit den meisten Haushaltslampenfassungen. Bis zu 3 W Stromverbrauch und die Welt gerechter Aufbau. Auf 120 V-Systeme, 250 Lumen auf 240 V-Systeme. Dauert 35.000 Stunden oder etwa 30 Jahre.

標準E26ベースは、ほとんどの家庭用光ソケットに対応しています。 3W消費電力と世界の互換性設計まで。 120 VACシステム、240 VACシステムで250ルーメンに。 35,000時間または約30年間続きます。
Contact Us About Your Next Renovation Project
Contact Us About Your Next Landscaping Project
This is the 21st Century, criminals are smarter and more daring. Isn't your apartment, condo or home worth the added security of biometric door locks?

Intelligent Biometric Controls: BoiBolt Deadbolts and One Touch Biometric Door Locks are an added security feature. Most insurance companies give additional discounts for high-security locks. It was designed in the United States by Intelligent Biometric Controls Inc. With the input of thousands of US consumers as well as multiple well-respected US locksmiths and security firms, we have created a deadbolt lock that truly accomplishes a unique blend of style and unparalleled security. In addition, we have secured the highest quality components for the BioBolt® & 1 Touch® to redefine a new standard in home or business biometric locks. “No More Lost Keys”

Now your home or vacation home, apartment or condo can have a level of security that was once only reserved for governments and the military. 

1 Touch EVO 3 Biometric Door Lock
BioBolt Biometric Deadbolt Lock
BioLock Biometric Door Locks & Deadbolts
Ecoono-Heat: El original panel calefactor eléctrico de pared   